Kerala SSLC Examination - Solved Biology 2020 Question and Answers Key 4

16 The hybridization process of a tall round seeded plant with a dwarf wrinkled seeded plant is illustrated below :

(a) Identify and fill (i) and (ii).
(b) What may be the characters that will appear in the plants produced as a result of the self pollination of the first generation ?
a) i) TR ii) tr
Tall plants with round seeds ( TTRR, TTRr, TtRR, TtRr) .
Tall plants with wrinkled seeds ( TTrr, Ttrr ).
Dwarf plants with round seeds ( ttRR, ttRr ).
Dwarf plants with wrinkled seeds ( ttrr ).

17. Write a short note which explains the mode of transmission and precautions of rat fever to include in a pamphlet preparing for an awareness programme.
Mode of spreading of rat fever

  1. The bacteria that come out through the urine of rat, dog and some other animals remain alive in stagnant water and moisture. The bacteria enter our blood through wounds.

Precaution of rat fever

  1. Eliminate vectors like rats.
  2. Keep the surroundings clean by avoiding dumping of decaying substances.
  3. Stepping into stagnant water, wear long gloves and gumboot while working in fields and streams, prevent the multiplication of rat.
  4. Complete cure is possible by early diagnosis and treatment. Preventive vaccination is the most effective method to fight against the diseases.

18. Analyse the illustration and answer the following questions ?

(a) Write the names of (i) and (ii).
(b) Are all accidental responses controlled by (iii) ? Explain with an example.
i) Sensory neuron
ii) Inter neuron
b) No, all reflexes are not under the control of the spinal cord
We blink our eyes or when light suddenly falls on our eyes or when objects move towards the eye. Such reflexes under the control of cerebrum (cerebral reflex)

19. An illustration related to human evolution is given. Analyse it and answer the following questions :
(a) Write the names of categories (i) and (ii).
(b) Mention the two important characteristics of organisms belong to (ii).
(c) How does the comparative study of hemoglobin helped to identify the evolutionary relationship between man and chimpanzee ?
ii) Hominoidea
b) Developed brain, freely movable hands
c) No difference in the number of amino acids in the chain of haemoglobin in man and chimpanzee

20. Select suitable items from the box and complete the table related to hormone defects.

Diabetes insipidus
Presence of glucose in urine
Frequent urination
Hindrance in proper physical and mental development
i. Insulin
ii. Presence of glucose in urine
iii. Diabetes insipidus
iv. Frequent urination
v. Somatotropin