Kerala SSLC Examination - Solved Biology 2020 Question and Answers Key 3

11. Analyse the table related to human chromosomes and arrange the column B in accordance with column A.
Sex chromosomes
22+ X
Somatic chromosomes
44+ XY
The chromosome in sperm
22 pairs
The chromosome in ovum
Sex chromosomes
Somatic chromosomes
22 pairs
The chromosome in sperm
44+ XY
The chromosome in ovum
22+ X

12. The functions of the cells in specific defense are illustrated below. Identify (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
i. B-Lymphocytes.
ii.Mature in the thymus gland
iii.Stimulate other defense cells.
iv.Disintegrate the cell membrane of bacteria or kill them / Stimulate other white blood cells, which will help to destroy pathogens.

13.Analyse the following statement and answer the questions :
"Though haemophilia is not completely curable, temporary relief can bring in."
(a) How temporary’ relief can bring in ?
(b) Why complete cure is not possible ?
a) Temporary relief is obtained by identifying the deficient protein and injecting it.
b) lt is a genetic disease, a complete cure is not possible at present.

14. Observe the given steps related to the experience of taste and arrange them properly.
Impulses reach the brain through the nerves.
The taste detecting chemo receptors are stimulated.
The substances reach the taste buds through saliva.
Substances responsible for taste dissolves in saliva.
Forms the experience of taste.
Impulses form in the chemical receptors.

  • Substance responsible for taste dissolve in saliva.
  • The substance reach the taste buds through saliva.
  • The taste detecting chemo receptors are stimulated.
  • Impulses form in the chemical receptors.
  • Impulses reach the brain through the nerves.
  • Forms the experience of taste.

15. Analyse the part of an illustration related to genetic engineering and answer the following questions:

(a) Add further steps and complete the illustration.
(b) Mention any other advantages of genetic engineering.
Inserting DNA in bacterial cell.
Providing a favorable medium for multiplication of bacteria.
Bacteria produce inactive form of insulin.
Producing active insulin.
Increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life
Medicines: Genetically modified plants and animals that can produce medicines are produced.
Gene therapy: Can cure genetic diseases.
Forensic Test: DNA test